Wednesday 27 January 2010

Republic day @ Chennai Queensland

26.01.2010 remarkable day with my family members enjoyed at Queensland , we started by 11 am with the rides. We were able to cover only 8 rides the whole day coz we got the kids with us, also they need to enjoy. The charges for the rides can be paid in the entrance as entry fee which costs Rs.350/- for adults & Rs.250/- for kids and that too we had a special discount coupon (paper cutting). The food was quite decent and the cost was also affordable. Finally the last ride has made my day so happy and was so amazing and thrilling, the speciality is that they offer you cool drinks before they start the ride, inititally I doubt about the drinks offering later I realized that for more twisting rides yes, we need something to be taken. We were also interviewed by the Vasath TV for "Neengal Ketta Paadal", hehehehe first time in my life infront of a TV camera, so artificial to act infront of the camera.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

A R Rahman's Concert in chennai - 2009 by Swarnaboomi foundation

First of all I would like to thank my friend "Iliyas "for getting the concert ticket for us.Jaiho concert was conducted by the MARG properties in chennai SWARNABOOMI 80kms away from the chennai city on ECR after mahabalipuram (11.10.2009). The concert was filled with a huge expectation, the dissappoinment started from ARR's arrival. The concert was about to start by 6pm but ARR reached the spot by 7:30pm followed by the song he started with "Khalbali" and the stage was dominated by the North Indian Singers and from the Southern part only Hariharan & Chithra were performed also that was not upto the mark. The worst seating arrangement ever seen for such a huge performance and followed by the worst soundengineers never expected (speakers with less watts) for the concert, during "Rehna tu" song the mike got cut for ARR twice. The song was played again and again and especially the concert was totally performed only with karaoke. Also there was a unexpected performance by "Sivamani" he perfomed only for 7 or 10 minutes. Later by one of the audience in the magazine he had expressed his dissappoinment saying that " he had purchased his ticket for Rs.15000 it seems and he was searching for his seat for more than an hour, such a worst arrangement by the sponsorers. A crowd of 65000 people got compromised at the last were ARR sung "Jaiho &  Musthafa"

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Please do not waste food

Just thought of sharing, It was something which affected me a lot and I experienced that how much we waste food on a daily basis very recently, actually this is too late but so what what next I still beleive in that, please "love food hate waste". There are people who seek for a piece of bread, dont go for a well known orphanages or old age, approach an unknown non profit organizations who are really in want of our timely help. Even now countries like vietnam, thailand, africa, philippines take the waste foodfrom restaurants, fast foods etc.

Please do watch this video:

Thursday 7 January 2010

Expect the unexpected

The first appearance of the quote is by Heraclitus (c.535 BC - 475 BC): "If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out, and difficult".

Oscar Wilde famously re-quoted it as: "To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect" ("An Ideal Husband").

The above quotes are certainly true, when it comes to life the unexpected incidents can never be borne by us. As a human being we all expect things to happen so easily and immediately as our life has become so mechanical. Life itself is a mystery and there are many hurdles that we will have to come across, at this point of time we are pleased to hear some advice and suggestion. Sudden deflation, unsuccessful situations and etc. makes us feel that we are lost.

Wednesday 6 January 2010


Im not gonna tell you more technical terms about our human brain, it is just to know how the brain functions with the mind and how it is correlated. Understanding the relationship between the brain and the mind is a challenging problem both philosophically and scientifically. Our human brain further differentiated as LEFT & RIGHT brain, the difference is between human being characters and their behavoiours, their dislikes and likes and so on. The differentiation doent mean that the partition of the brain it totally means the characteristic feature of our brain.

Left Brain people:

  1. Mathematical or very calculative
  2. Less art sense
  3. Less music listeners
  4. Bold minded or Initiative
  5. Stubborn
Right Brain people:
  1. Weak in mathematics
  2. Not so calculative
  3. Music lovers or more of art sense
  4. Non Initiators
  5. Floating mind


Mind (pronounced as “maind”) is the aspect of intellect and consciousness  experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes. The term is often used to refer, by implication, to the thought processes of reason. Theories of mind and its function are numerous. Earliest recorded speculations are from the likes of Zoroaster, the Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Adi Shankara and other ancient Greek, Indian and, later, Islamic philosophers. Pre-scientific theories grounded in theology concentrated on the supposed relationship between the mind and the soul, our supernatural, divine or god-given essence.
Does both looks similar? the answer is "NO", the Mind acts with the mental stage of a human being. Eg: we have totally seven chakras in our "SARIRAM" means human body. There are totally 7chakras in our organic structure, that is why we among the human beings we got seperated as saints, normal human being and so on.
The 7 chakras are as follows:

1.      Muladhara (the floor chakra)
2.      Swadhishtana (the sacrel chakra)
3.      Manipura (the solar plexus chakra)
4.      Anahata (the heart chakra)
5.      Vishnuddha (the throat chakra)
6.      Ajna (the third eye chakra)
7.      Sahasrara (the crown chakra)

Among all the above chakras, listening to music also plays a vital role in reaching these chakras, its not only just listening to music but realising the feel of music that takes you to the second chakra (eg: the musicians). The self realization comes only when our mind  touches the last chakra (7th chakra) and was applicable for great saints like shirdi baba, sri aurobindo, ramana maharishi, aadhi shankarar and other saints. They had reached the last stage of self realization during their early stages.

Tuesday 5 January 2010


Why we trust on GOD, Its all b'coz of fear and the confidence that we dont have on ourselves. The self realization comes only when we trust on our own, since we are born human being we will have to depend on some extraordinary object/power which we are scared of and thats how GOD was created. Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. Does God keeps his promise? and will not allow us to be tested beyond your power to remain firm? At the time you are put to the test, does GOD gives you the strength to endure it? and so provide you with a way out? If given an opportunity to meet GOD I would like to have a controversy with him. I would question him that Where am I ? & Who am I ? Hope I will get the expected answer from him. Human being has the empty stage when we are in deep sleep, please do not mistake that its the mediatation stage that we are enlightened, the normal sleep that we have on a daily basis has loads of dream and so on, but now only the deep sleep has the empty state of our mind.


Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia (born 1 July 1938) is a Indian classical instrumentalist. He is a player of the "Bansuri" the North Indian Bamboo Flute. A trained Hindustani Classical player and composer.
He has won a number of awards including theSangeet Natak Academy (1984), Konark Samman (1992), Padma Bushan (1992),Yash Bharati Sanman (1994) and Padma Vibushan (2000). Hariprasad Chaurasia was born in Allahabad in a non musical family. His father was a wrestler. His mother died when he was four. Hariprasad had to learn music almost in secret, scared of the father who wanted him to become a wrestler.